Micro e Minilab Silver Recovery System

The Micro e-Control is the most advanced, easy-to operate, and attractive effluent management / silver recovery system on the market today. Fully automated, de-silvering at a rate of up to 1000ml/minute while maintaining silver levels less than 1 ppm – all in a footprint of only 2 sq/ft.
The Micro e-Control has a programmable monitoring system that controls and tracks the flow of silver-rich and non-silver rich solutions. The silver-rich solutions are metered through our Mix eXchanger columns containing a patented recovery medium MetaWool.
MetaWool is an enhanced iron based media that ensures consistent performance eliminating channeling which allows for significantly higher flow rates than other MRC’s.
Built into the Micro e-Control is our Enviro-Jet, an automated commingling / discharge system that keeps drains block-free. The Enviro-Jet accepts all spent photo processing chemicals – both desilvered and nonsilver bearing, commingles them, and jets them down the drain under pressure. The solution clears the drain before any sludge has a chance to form. After a batch of solution is discharged, the Enviro-Jet flushes the drain to remove any residual chemicals. Pipes remain clear without using drain cleaners that are potentially hazardous to employees’ health, corrosive to sewer pipes and may cause pH to exceed sewer ordinance limits.
De-silvers at a rate of 500-1000 ml/min. (Dependant on model)
Maintains silver levels less than 1ppm
Controls and tracks the flow of all solutions via a programmable monitoring and metering system
Includes the Enviro-Jet system, keeping drains clog-free without the use of potentially hazardous drain cleaners
Has a footprint of only 2 sq/ft
MetaTrax enabled, allowing the column life and discharge levels to be tracked and predicted via on line (Internet enabled) database
Low maintenance, easy column changes
Small floor space requirements
Flexible installations, direct (processor) overflow or freestanding
New dual wand system to automatically draw up waste chemistry from drain tanks