CTP Developer Control System

The Metafix Developer Control System (DCS) has been designed to control and extend the life of CTP developer. Total volume of chemical use is decreased while plate throughput increases. Time between processor chemical changes is also significantly extended.
DCS patented monitoring technology – Probe / Ratio mode allows the machine to make intelligent decisions while blending a combination of fresh and recycled developer into the processors replenisher system. Intelligent monitoring allows for maximum savings without degrading plate quality.
The DCS will cycle and recirculate the entire volume of the processors developer tank several times per day.
Our specifically designed 10:1 filtration system removes chemical contaminants such as suspended solids thus helping to increase the life of the working chemistry.
The DCS has a downloadable memory and is internet ready. Accurate activity, record keeping and savings information is only a few keystrokes away.
Monitors, controls and blends used and fresh developer automatically to maintain optimal conductivity while reducing total consumption
Filtration system increases plate throughput and reduces processor cleaning frequency
Easily bypassed for cleaning purposes
Low Voltage 24V Pumps – Safe operation
Less chemical waste
Accurate Peristaltic Pumps – Reliable and clog-free operation
Easy to install and maintain
Key Operator Alarms – Alerts operators to any errors
Small foot print – Only 4 sq.ft